Inland Revenue signals their attention to offshore employers with New Zealand-based employees
With the current global pandemic more and more kiwis are returning home and continuing to work for their offshore employer.
Tax Considerations for Returning Kiwis
When returning to New Zealand tax is most likely one of the last things people consider (if they consider it at all).
The Unknown Tax Cost of Foreign Property
Are you migrating or returning to New Zealand? Are you aware of the tax implications of such a move? Many people move to New Zealand having kept overseas properties.
Don't Relax On Tax
The following article was written for a UK publication but the topics are relevant for all migrants to New Zealand. Don’t let tax spoil your new life in New Zealand. International tax is a minefield.
Expanding overseas? Make sure you understand the tax implications.
With the world becoming a much smaller place, it is easy for businesses to find themselves trading overseas without too much consideration.
Don’t get caught with a NZ tax bill while you are living overseas
Are you leaving NZ permanently, or going on an extended overseas trip? Make sure you know your tax obligations and how to ensure you break your tax residency in New Zealand so you are not welcomed back to New Zealand…